Sunday, August 24, 2014

Diabetes leg cramps? A reason and a solution

Diabetes leg cramps are one of the more common complaint from those who suffer from high blood sugar, the pain is know as the very familiar “cramping at night”. Excessive blood sugar causes a cell damage which can result in this painful condition. Too much blood glucose (sugar) affects all the cells of the body; the lower limbs are very susceptible to blood vessel damage.   Diabetes leg cramps or numbness are signs of systematic disturbances which can lead to the loss of the leg if not corrected.
What causes the muscles to tighten?
There is a delicate balance of water in the cells of the body, but when blood sugar is consistently elevated it causes a disruption within the cell which results in muscle cramping. Diabetics frequently urinate, which, in turn, leads to a considerable loss of electrolytes such as magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Lower levels of potassium and sometimes and other minerals commonly result in cramping of the muscles in the legs. There is a very important message which can be learned from diabetes leg cramps; this painful condition highlights the very dangerous metabolic changes that are happening in the blood. The kidneys of a person with high blood sugar are usually overworked and this is the cause of the tremendous amount of kidney disease which is associated with high blood sugar.
A stressed holistic system
Why do diabetics have higher levels of depression, heart disease, breast cancer, kidney failure and stroke? It is important that we understand that all the cells of the body are affected by excessive blood sugar, excessive glucose must be viewed as a poison through out the whole body, the sooner that a diabetic realizes that the illness is a poison level on sugar in the bloodstream the sooner the person can work on removing the poison.  
The lower limbs are particularly affected by high blood sugar, the arteries and blood vessels malfunction, and this is why many diabetics suffer from artery blockage in the legs. Diabetics are prone to plaque filled legs arteries which can cause heart attacks and the loss of the limb.  The message is clear that any negative affects on the legs should not be ignored.
There is some good news for those with diabetes leg cramps, there is a diet from Europe which has been saving the lower limbs from amputation, and the diet has been purported to heal the nerves and clears the arteries in the legs. It is used in over 10 countries.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Diabetes Numbness? What to do about it

Diabetes and numbness is a very dangerous combination, it is an actual warning of nerve damage in the limb. Each year more than 30,000 people experience partial or full amputation of part of the lower or upper limb; it is crucial that people become aware of how blood sugar damages the cells of the body. Diabetes numbness is serious, it is a wake up call to something called neuropathy (nerve fiber damages), it is crucial that all diabetics have a clear understanding of how excessive blood sugar deteriorates the cells of the body. 




The dangerous complications of high blood sugar


A complete understanding of what high blood sugar does to the body is the best way to fight the illness, too often the person with this condition is not sure exactly what is going on in the their body; “knowing” is very important as this helps make healing that much more effective.  There has been an incredible rise in the numbers of people who are losing part of the foot to high blood sugar, a recent study shows that the surgical removal of toes has increased 200% over the last 5 years, Diabetes and numbness is a very stark warning of nerve damage.




According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) toe amputations were the highest amount lower limb amputations performed over the last 5 years.  Any numb feeling in the legs, arms hands of feet should be taken as a sign of nerve damage.




RED TOE GRAPH: These numbers represent thousands of amputations







There are typically no medications which can repair nerve damage, the only prescription medication which is approved has an extremely low success rate and causes very serious side effects such as suicidal thoughts and other brain complications.  It is best to treat diabetic nerve damage naturally and quickly, it is the delay which causes so many people to lose the limb.  


There is some good news, there is a European diabetic diet which has been reported to reverse all diabetes numbness in the feet and hands naturally, the diet includes a free second report to get a normal blood sugar without medications. Both reports are used in a combine 20 countries.


You may read both reports together for the first time in 7 years